
find the Javadoc-Documentation of Admin and its related packages here


XML Import
how dataselection works
how the codegenerator works
how to visualize a DB


Admin runs with JDK 1.7 or higher. As well as you need a RDBMS and a JDBC-Driver, see the Tested with section.
You need to add the following libraries to your CLASSPATH


The windows you seen in Admin mostly are able to run standalone. This classes will display the requested paramters, so they can be launched as standalone. What they always need is HOST, USER, PASSWORD and DATABASE and you can give a SCHEMA over, if not it is handled as %.
There are some classes asking for parameters being told to you by calling without parameters. So if needed, you will get a screen like this:

hulmen% java gpl.fredy.generate.GenerateXML

Fredy's Generate XML
Generates a XML-file out of the MetaData of a Database
The primary use of this XML-file is to generate Java-Code
Just feed this file into the GenerateForm to get all of it.

Syntax: GenerateXML -h host         [default: localhost]
                    -u user         [default: afs]
                    -p password
                    -s schema       [default: %]
                    -d database
                    -t table        [default: %]
                    -f file         [default: /export/home/afs/database.xml]
                    -v verbose
                    -help this screen

Configuration files

Admin needs to have some config files:


Best thing is, to create a own directory, let's name it ./java. Then unpack admin in this directory. It will create the tree:

So you see, the path to ./java has to be in your classpath and you are on speed.

Starting admin

If all is set, you launch it by java gpl.fredy.admin.Admin...
There is two parameters you can add to the JVM while starting admin:
user.homeThe directory admin uses to read/write its config files admin.props and t_connect.props
admin.imageWhere admin is going to fetch its images from. This can be at three generic places
  • gpl/fredy/images the standard place admin is looking for
  • gpl/fredy/[PACKAGENAME]/images if the image is not at the Standard-place
  • admin.image if this value is set, this is the position admin is going at
    this value has the form of an URL like
    • file://export/home/java/images
    • /export/home/java/images


Standard Formjava gpl.fredy.admin.Admin
Different Images Directoryjava -Dadmin.image=/export/home/java/images gpl.fredy.admin.Admin
Images via http from other placejava -Dadmin.image= gpl.fredy.admin.Admin

to do so...
You have to add JDBC-Driver to your classpath and the ./java path or wherever you unpacked admin into. Here you find a example how it works fine onto my Win98 and Win2000 Laptops. Here you find a example how I'm starting admin onto my SunBox and onto my Linux-Box. Thanks to Domingos, there is an example how to start admin on OS/2 OS/2 users, please adapt for the latest version.

Using the data selection-tool

The purpose of the data selection tool is, to provide a simple data drilling tool. Find the description of this tool here.

Using the Code Generator

To run the Code Generator you must have JDOM in a minimal of beta 8 in your CLASSPATH and if yo uplan to use the XML-Editor you need to add as well Martin Newstead's MSeries to the CLASSPATH.

Have a closer look at the documentation or get first a quick introduction here:

This generator does three files:

These files you best save into the directory ./java/applications. Admin then creates a directory named like the DB-name.

To generate the code first there is to build a XML-file containing all the information for the code-generator. This XML-File can be customized to create the Swing-GUI of a table other than standard.
The file-dependencies are as follows:
Wrapperfile Swing GUI

The XMLEditor is to edit the XML-File for the Swing-GUI. You need to have Martin Newstead's MSeries into your CLASSPATH. Be aware of the two different versions that exist now, one for JDK below 1.4 and one for JDK 1.4 and higher.

Data Export / Import

The SQL-output always allows to export the result into a csv-file, see the SQL-Monitor and the guided query. So this file can easily be imported into other DBMS or into a spreadsheet like StarCalc from StarOffice.
Admin as well allows to import such a file under [Tools][Import Delimiter File]. If you tick the use Header Check-box the insertion will be done according the fields of the header.

Dynamic Form

Admin offers a dynamic form (AutoForm.class), that allows dynamic entry of data into a table. It does not verify the input. If a entry is rejected by the RDBMS, this will result into a error-box. The find-button lists the content of the table and it can be transfered into the grid by clicking on a row.

Guided query

The guided query (Qbe.class) can be used to generate a SQL-statement over a table. You select the desired table by a double click in the table tab, as Qbe needs to gatter meta-data-info of the table to construct the other tabs, this will take a moment. Qbe indicates its readiness by displaying the name of the requested table in the status line. In the columns tab you select the columns to be displayed within the query result. In the conditions tab you can enter the conditions of each row of the table As this is done, proceed to the query-tab and press the generate query button. Then the only thing to be done is to execute the generated query.


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Compile Sequence and dependencies

You need to have the following libraries into your CLASSPATH

So the sequence to compile is as follows:


Be careful while selecting the SCHEMA. A wrong schema setting will end into either not finding any table or finding a lot. As example for the scott/tiger internal example I made best experience with SCOTT as a schema-name. but I'm absolutely not a ORACLE-specialist, so any hint into this direction is highly welcome.

Log Server

The LogServer java accepts four parameters
-GUI displays logrecord in a GUI and to the Log as defined in
default is not set
-GUIONLYsets GUI and only logs to the GUI,
this value is not set by default
-pthe port SLS is listening, default value is 5237
-c valuethis is the number of lines maximum displayed within the GUI.
if this number exceeds, the upper half of the log is deleted
default value is 4096

the VM-Parameter -Djava.util.logging.config.file= [FILE] overwrites the standard parameters of the logmanager delivered from jre/lib/
Important be carefull while running SLS on a single system and by a share file. It is easy to create a loop, therefore, make sure to use -GUIONLY when using only one logg-manager-properties-file.
I changed the standard XML-formatter to make it usefull for sls. Therefore a file could look like this:
     handlers= java.util.logging.SocketHandler
     .level= ALL
     java.util.logging.SocketHandler.formatter = java.util.logging.FxmlFormatter
     java.util.logging.SocketHandler.level = ALL = localhost
     java.util.logging.SocketHandler.port = 5237

Make sure, is in your CLASSPATH.

Last modified: Mon Jan 20 22:05:50 MET 2003