Photo Gallery

Photo Gallery of my Radio-Controlled Model Airplanes

Click on the pictures to get more information.

Boeing Super Stearman Boeing Super Stearman
Extra 300L "Matrix" / "Leki" Extra 300L "Matrix" / "Leki"
Mudry CAP 232 Mudry CAP 232
Calypso "Calypso"
R/C World Champion Model,
designed by Hanno Prettner, R/C World Champion
P51-D Mustang North American P51-D "Mustang"
Mudry Cap 21 Mudry CAP 21
GAF N22 B Nomad Gouvernment Aircraft Factories
GAF N22 B "Nomad"
North American AT-6 Harvard / Texan North American AT-6 "Harvard" / "Texan"
DHC-2 Beaver De Havilland Canada DHC-2 "Beaver"
ASK-14 Fa. Alexander Schleicher
Pilatus PC-7 Turbo Trainer Pilatus PC-7 Turbo Trainer
Piper Cherokee Piper Cherokee

R/C equipment My R/C equipment

Strange Species on our Airfield

What the hell is this guy doing ?!?


I hope you've enjoyed these pictures and got interested in radio-controlled modeling...


Last updated: 2010/09/28

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